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Bible Study: What happens when you love God

In our comforting bible study, we explored the cherished words found in Romans 8:26-28. These verses assure us that all things, every circumstance and situation, work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. We discussed the profound story of Elijah, where God’s presence was revealed not in the grandiose, but in a still small voice.

This word taught us that God’s timing is perfect, and He orchestrates events to align with our readiness to listen. We were encouraged to release worries about missed opportunities or comparisons to others. Instead, our focus should be on loving God and walking in alignment with His purpose. Rest assured, in every chaos and difficulty, all things are intricately woven together for our ultimate good.

Watch the Bible study session below and may you be enlightened more. Join us every Tuesday at 7 PM EST.

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